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Invisalign Case Studies
Dr Steven Casci

Marina’s Invisalign Case Study

Marina came to see me because she was unhappy with the spacing between her upper and lower teeth – she also felt the teeth protruded too much.

Invisalign works amazingly well in many situations where there is spacing so I was quite confident we could get a very nice result without the need for braces.

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Invisalign Info
Dr Steven Casci

Aligners & Contact Sports

If you’re new to wearing aligners while playing sports, you might question how to successfully navigate this task. You may wonder if you can play rugby with aligners, or if you should wear a mouthguard over your aligners. Balancing contact sports and aligners doesn’t have to be tricky, though!

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Invisalign Case Studies
Dr Steven Casci

Hannah’s Invisalign Journey

Hannah Rose attended our clinic wanting to discuss improving her smile with Invisalign – and specifically closing the space around her front teeth.

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Invisalign Info
Dr Steven Casci

Why Having Straight Teeth Matters

There’s a lot to be said for a beautiful smile. It’s one of the first things anyone’s going to notice about how you look. But having crooked teeth is more than just a mental downer. When your teeth are improperly aligned, you’re at higher risk for a number of health problems that can compromise your quality of life. Crooked teeth have a significant associationwith a variety of medical issues, including gum disease, heart disease.

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Invisalign Case Studies
Dr Steven Casci

Rachael’s Invisalign Journey

Rachael first saw me in 2019 wanting to improve her smile. She had already been to a range of clinics offering Invisalign and been given widely varying advice in terms of both cost and time frame. I’m really glad that Rachael came to see me because actually her case was really straightforward

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Invisalign Info
Dr Steven Casci

How to clean your aligners

Believe it or not, Invisalign comes with similar issues, minus the “brace face.” Invisalign trays require daily cleanings for health and hygiene. Not sure about the right ways to keep your Invisalign and your smile clean?

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Invisalign Case Studies
Dr Steven Casci

Sarah’s Invisalign Journey

Sarah saw me in 2017 unhappy with the evenness of her smile and the fact that you could only really see her front teeth when smiling. Sarah had previously had orthodontic treatment as a teenager but hadn’t really achieved the result she was after.

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Dr Steven Casci

Karin’s Invisalign Journey

Karin saw me in London because she was unhappy with the crowding of her front teeth and also felt that her canines were too big. Karin wasn’t sure whether she wanted veneers or to try and correct things orthodontically.

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Invisalign Info
Dr Steven Casci

Should you choose braces or Invisalign?

Since launching in 2000, over 8million people have been treated worldwide with Invisalign and each year it seems increasing number of patients are opting for removable aligners rather than traditional braces.

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Dr Steven Casci

Rebecca’s Invisalign Journey

Rebecca presented wanting to correct her crowded teeth. She has always had issues with crowding and an orthodontist had extracted an upper tooth in her early teens to help create some additional room. Apart from the amount of crowding present, treatment was complicated by the fact that she had a number of areas of gum recession around her teeth – any orthodontic treatment could potentially worsen this.

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Dr Steven Casci

Sara’s Invisalign Journey

Sara saw me last year unhappy with her smile – a number of her front teeth were crossed over and slanted and close examination showed that a number of them had also been chipped and worn. Although of lesser concern to Sara, there was also a canine on the lower jaw that was heavily twisted around – 10years ago I would have had sleepless nights thinking how I was going to correct that canine but now days Invisalign’s technology handles these movements easily.

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The five things you need to know about Invisalign
Invisalign Info
Dr Steven Casci

The 5 Things You Must Know About Invisalign

over the years I have found the same questions popping up again and again both during initial Invisalign consultations, and also reading clear aligner forums where people have commented on things that they had wish been explained more clearly to them before they started the journey.

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Dr Steven Casci

Alex’s Invisalign Journey

Alex came to see me because she was generally unhappy with her smile. When we look at her smile we can see some crowding, a deepbite (where the top front teeth heavily overlap the bottom front teeth), some chipped teeth and some discolouration. A lot of things to get right but also one of my favourite sorts of cases!

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Invisalign treating open bite
Invisalign Case Studies
Dr Steven Casci

Anita’s Invisalign Journey

Anita presented in her final year of studies before moving to the U.S. Anita was unhappy with her smile and wanted to know we if we could correct things before she left in 12months time – nothing like a little time pressure!

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Invisalign Case Studies
Dr Steven Casci

Steph’s Invisalign Journey

Did you have braces as a teenager and have noticed that the teeth have started to go relapse in your 20’s? Don’t worry you are not alone! Relapse in the late teens early 20s can be very common without proper retention. The key is to get on to things as early as possible before the teeth have had a chance relapse further.

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Invisalign Case Studies
Dr Steven Casci

Layla’s Invisalign Journey

Layla saw me in London wanting to correct her upper canines, which she felt were too high and prominent. Because of her job, braces weren’t and option and neither were veneers so Invisalign was the option chosen

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Dr Steven Casci

Anna’s Invisalign Journey

Anna presented wanting to discuss Invisalign to correct upper second front tooth which was in crossbite (sitting behind the lower tooth). Like many of our patients, Anna already had a friend who was having treatment at our practice so already knew a lot about the process.

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Dr Steven Casci

Jarryd’s Invisalign Journey

Like many of my patients, Jarryd came to see me to improve his smile – and specifically the crowding around his front teeth. From my perspective the challenge in getting a good result was going to be improving his deepbite

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Dr Steven Casci

Jeremy’s Invisalign Journey

When I started doing Invisalign in 2008 this sort of case would have been very difficult to treat and I would warned Jeremy that he would be looking at 18-24months to achieve a good result. Fortunately Invisalign invests huge amounts into R&D every year and with the introduction of optimised attachments a 5years ago open bites are now quite straightforward to treat in most instances.

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