Tiana's Case Study

Tiana came to see me to talk about tidying up her smile. Tiana was the perfect candidate for Invisalign lite as it was just going to be a case of tidying some minor crowding that had developed over time – the upper canines were rotated out a little too much, the side teeth needed to be uprighted a little to improve the smile and there was some upper and lower crowding to take care of.
In addition, when working on Tiana’s Clincheck it became immediately obvious that one of the front teeth had experienced a lot of wear and so we planned to do a little bonding at the end of treatment to tidy this up as well. There are a number of reasons that this can happen, but in Tiana’s case I felt it was because she had a “deepbite” where the lower teeth sit too high against the backs of the upper teeth. To help reduce further wear and tear I also moved the lower teeth down and back a little to help achieve a more balanced bite.

Tiana's Results
In all it took about 9 months to get everything looking good – including whitening and bonding to take care of the worn front teeth. Since seeing Tiana I have also treated her husband and her mum!