Jo's Case Study

Jo saw me because she hated the appearance of her left second incisor (right as you look at the image). Apart from being twisted, it also protruded to the extent that sometimes she would catch her lip and get lipstick on the edge.

I often have clients who are seeing because of one specific issue, or in this case, tooth that they are concerned with. Sometimes the challenge is not so much the tooth itself but being able to move the other adjacent teeth around so to create the space we need and so that everything works together harmoniously when we are done!

With Jo’s tooth we had a three issues we needed to solve:

  1. We had to de-rotate the tooth.
  2. We had to upright it 
  3. We had to try and create enough space for it.

Jo's Results

Jo’s case took 14months to complete at the time, however these days with the development of Invisalign’s smart track material and optimised attachments I would now expect the case to take around 10months to complete.


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