Marina’s Invisalign Case Study
Marina came to see me because she was unhappy with the spacing between her upper and lower teeth – she also felt the teeth protruded too much.
Invisalign works amazingly well in many situations where there is spacing so I was quite confident we could get a very nice result without the need for braces.
Hannah’s Invisalign Journey

Hannah Rose attended our clinic wanting to discuss improving her smile with Invisalign – and specifically closing the space around her front teeth.
Damian’s Invisalign Journey
Damian came to see me to close the space between his front teeth. See how we used Invisalign to create a great smile
Rachael’s Invisalign Journey
Rachael first saw me in 2019 wanting to improve her smile. She had already been to a range of clinics offering Invisalign and been given widely varying advice in terms of both cost and time frame. I’m really glad that Rachael came to see me because actually her case was really straightforward
Jengira’s Invisalign Story
Jengira came to me unhappy with her smile – and in particular her canines which she felt were protruding and too prominent.
Sarah’s Invisalign Journey
Sarah saw me in 2017 unhappy with the evenness of her smile and the fact that you could only really see her front teeth when smiling. Sarah had previously had orthodontic treatment as a teenager but hadn’t really achieved the result she was after.
Karin’s Invisalign Journey
Karin saw me in London because she was unhappy with the crowding of her front teeth and also felt that her canines were too big. Karin wasn’t sure whether she wanted veneers or to try and correct things orthodontically.
Tiana’s Invisalign Journey
Invisalign Lite is a great option for correcting minor crowding. Read Tiana’s Invisalign Lite story.
Jo’s Invisalign Journey
See how we used Invisalign Lite to improve Jo’s smile and take care of one super tricky tooth!
Tamsin’s Invisalign Journey
Invisalign Lite is great for correcting minor crowding. Read Tamsin’s story here.