Jarryd’s Invisalign Journey

Like many of my patients, Jarryd came to see me to improve his smile – and specifically the crowding around his front teeth. From my perspective the challenge in getting a good result was going to be improving his deepbite

Jeremy’s Invisalign Journey

When I started doing Invisalign in 2008 this sort of case would have been very difficult to treat and I would warned Jeremy that he would be looking at 18-24months to achieve a good result. Fortunately Invisalign invests huge amounts into R&D every year and with the introduction of optimised attachments a 5years ago open bites are now quite straightforward to treat in most instances.

The Last 5% – Achieving the best with your Invisalign

When straightening teeth for teenagers it is often just a case of getting the teeth in the right position – but for adults there are a number of other factors that can determine whether ultimately you are happy with your smile or not.