Karin's Invisalign Journey

Karin saw me in London because she was unhappy with the crowding of her front teeth and also felt that her canines were too big. Karin wasn’t sure whether she wanted veneers or to try and correct things orthodontically.

In terms of the prominence of the canines, I felt a big part of the issue was that the teeth either side were pulled in too far and difficult to see. This meant that when she smiled it created the illusion that the canines were bigger than they actually were. In addition, when the middle teeth are pulled in so much it tends to use up a lot of space leading to crowding. One final issue was that the canines weren’t working together as they should – when properly placed, the canines help to guide the jaw when chewing and eating so that all the forces that go on the teeth are directed at the correct angle. With the canines in the incorrect position there were signs that some of Karin’s teeth were begin to chip and wear.

Karin's Results

Karin’s Invisalign treatment took 14months to complete. Not only did we achieve a nice smile, we also corrected the function of her canines so that they were helping to guide the jaw when chewing and eating. 


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